It’s about time I shared some more fave books!
Next up: Homeschool Mom Favourites
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#1 I loved and told myself “read this” if you ever waver in your desire to keep homeschooling ! The Brave Learner by @juliebravewriter is inspiration and pep talks meet practical ideas to implement, mindset shifting moments and endearing moments with the Julie.
#2 The Four Hour School Day by @durendaleewilson
will bring me back to simple and quality every time. A great book for times of feeling overwhelmed or overstimulated with all the amazing resources the homeschool world has to offer!
#3, and certainly not least is one of my very favourites: Modern Miss Mason. Whether you’re into CM style or just mixing a “spritz” into your homeschool now and then, you will love this book! In fact, warning…by the end you may be like me and want to go all in!
It’s so wonderful, encouraging, applicable & honestly makes my heart just SQUEEZE at the school-life we get to shape here at home!!
These are my top three!! Which ones have you read?
If there’s any you haven’t, I recommend sticking these titles on your TBR for 2025!!